Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Some commission work for Armada...

Hey all!

Well, after a LONG time, I finally have an Armada set of ships that I did on commission.  Unfortunately, I did them once already for this client, and then they got lost in the mail.  So I had to burn 20+ bucks of my own money to buy them again, and now have to pay for shipping and insurance again... so overall I think I am barely breaking even:(  But still, they are done, so I'll ship them out tomorrow

Thought folks might like seeing them!


WarRaptor said...

Those are great! Love your Armada ships.....

Is that a space slug in the asteroid, or are you just happy to see me???? :)

Author said...

It looks lot less phalic in person, where you can see the eyes and teeth and all:)